Thursday, August 21, 2008

Prayer Request

By Caesar Hemogeno

Kindly pray for my Bible study at Samaritan Inn where the word of the Lord will come alive in each of the residents that attend my meetings. I don’t know if everyone that attends my Bible study is a Christian but I am hoping that the word of the Lord and His grace would soften their hearts for the gospel. During my meetings, I observed that there are hurts that need healing, lives have been shattered through divorce, and a hope of a new beginning is desired by everyone. I am working on gaining their trust where they can be themselves when I am around.

To share a little background, the initial intent of the Bible study was primarily designed for men but as the word got out, several women have been attending on a regular basis. In their humble situation, the women especially had been unable to show transparency to share what’s going in their lives. The men on the other hand, found the Bible study to be a forum where they are able to express their frustrations, desire to be back in the community and wanting to have a stable job. At times, I just listen and praise the Lord for His meekness.

My goal for the next couple of months is for our congregation to meet these men and women. To let them know that hundreds of people have been praying for them.

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